Give some reach colors and fonts to a ggplot.
initiative = "reach",
palette = "main",
discrete = TRUE,
reverse = FALSE,
font_family = "Segoe UI",
title_size = 12,
title_color = cols_reach("main_grey"),
title_font_face = "bold",
title_hjust = NULL,
title_position_to_plot = TRUE,
text_size = 10,
text_color = cols_reach("main_grey"),
text_font_face = "plain",
panel_background_color = "#FFFFFF",
panel_border = FALSE,
panel_border_color = cols_reach("main_grey"),
legend_position = "right",
legend_direction = "vertical",
legend_reverse = TRUE,
legend_title_size = 11,
legend_title_color = cols_reach("main_grey"),
legend_title_font_face = "plain",
legend_text_size = 10,
legend_text_color = cols_reach("main_grey"),
legend_text_font_face = "plain",
axis_x = TRUE,
axis_y = TRUE,
axis_text_size = 10,
axis_text_color = cols_reach("main_grey"),
axis_text_font_face = "plain",
axis_title_size = 11,
axis_title_color = cols_reach("main_grey"),
axis_title_font_face = "bold",
axis_text_x_angle = 0,
axis_text_x_vjust = 0.5,
axis_text_x_hjust = 0.5,
grid_major_x = FALSE,
grid_major_y = FALSE,
grid_major_color = cols_reach("main_lt_grey"),
grid_major_x_size = 0.1,
grid_major_y_size = 0.1,
grid_minor_x = FALSE,
grid_minor_y = FALSE,
grid_minor_color = cols_reach("main_lt_grey"),
grid_minor_x_size = 0.05,
grid_minor_y_size = 0.05,
caption_position_to_plot = TRUE,
- initiative
Either "reach" or "default".
- palette
Palette name from 'pal_reach()'.
- discrete
Boolean indicating whether color aesthetic is discrete or not.
- reverse
Boolean indicating whether the palette should be reversed.
- font_family
The font family for all plot's texts. Default to "Segoe UI".
- title_size
The size of the legend title. Defaults to 11.
- title_color
Legend title color.
- title_font_face
Legend title font face. Default to "plain". Font face ("plain", "italic", "bold", "bold.italic").
- title_hjust
Title horizontal justification. Default to NULL. Use 0.5 to center the title.
- title_position_to_plot
TRUE or FALSE. Positioning to plot or to panel?
- text_size
The size of all text other than the title, subtitle and caption. Defaults to 10.
- text_color
Text color.
- text_font_face
Text font face. Default to "bold". Font face ("plain", "italic", "bold", "bold.italic").
- panel_background_color
The color for the panel background color. Default to white.
- panel_border
Boolean. Plot a panel border? Default to FALSE.
- panel_border_color
A color. Default to REACH main grey.
- legend_position
Position of the legend; Default to "right". Can take "right", "left", "top", "bottom" or "none".
- legend_direction
Direction of the legend. Default to "vertical". Can take "vertical" or "horizontal".
- legend_reverse
Reverse the color in the guide? Default to TRUE.
- legend_title_size
Legend title size.
- legend_title_color
Legend title color.
- legend_title_font_face
Legend title font face. Default to "plain". Font face ("plain", "italic", "bold", "bold.italic").
- legend_text_size
Legend text size.
- legend_text_color
Legend text color.
- legend_text_font_face
Legend text font face. Default to "plain". Font face ("plain", "italic", "bold", "bold.italic").
- axis_x
Boolean. Do you need x-axis?
- axis_y
Boolean. Do you need y-axis?
- axis_text_size
Axis text size.
- axis_text_color
Axis text color.
- axis_text_font_face
Axis text font face. Default to "plain". Font face ("plain", "italic", "bold", "bold.italic").
- axis_title_size
Axis title size.
- axis_title_color
Axis title color.
- axis_title_font_face
Axis title font face. Default to "plain". Font face ("plain", "italic", "bold", "bold.italic").
- axis_text_x_angle
Angle for the x-axis text.
- axis_text_x_vjust
Vertical adjustment for the x-axis text.
- axis_text_x_hjust
Vertical adjustment for the x-axis text.
- grid_major_x
Boolean. Do you need major grid lines for x-axis?
- grid_major_y
Boolean. Do you need major grid lines for y-axis?
- grid_major_color
Major grid lines color.
- grid_major_x_size
Major X line size.
- grid_major_y_size
Major Y line size.
- grid_minor_x
Boolean. Do you need minor grid lines for x-axis?
- grid_minor_y
Boolean. Do you need minor grid lines for y-axis?
- grid_minor_color
Minor grid lines color.
- grid_minor_x_size
Minor X line size.
- grid_minor_y_size
Minor Y line size.
- caption_position_to_plot
TRUE or FALSE. Positioning to plot or to panel?
- ...
Additional arguments passed to `ggplot2::gg_theme()`.