Basic defaults based on `tmap::tm_layout()`
title = NULL,
legend_position = c(0.02, 0.5),
frame = FALSE,
legend_frame = cols_reach("main_grey"),
legend_text_size = 0.6,
legend_title_size = 0.8,
title_size = 0.9,
title_fontface = "bold",
title_color = cols_reach("main_grey"),
fontfamily = "Leelawadee",
- title
Map title.
- legend_position
Legend position. Not above the map is a good start.
- frame
Boolean. Legend frame?
- legend_frame
Legend frame color.
- legend_text_size
Legend text size in 'pt'.
- legend_title_size
Legend title size in 'pt'.
- title_size
Title text size in 'pt'.
- title_fontface
Title fontface. Bold if you wanna exemplify a lot what it is about.
- title_color
Title font color.
- fontfamily
Overall fontfamily. Leelawadee is your precious.
- ...
Other arguments to pass to `tmap::tm_layout()`.