Wrapper around `tmap::tm_polygons()` with sane defaults for plotting indicator values
Wrapper around `tmap::tm_polygons()` with sane defaults for plotting indicator values
buffer = NULL,
n = 5,
style = "pretty",
palette = pal_reach("red_5"),
as_count = TRUE,
color_na = cols_reach("white"),
text_na = "Missing data",
legend_title = "Proportion (%)",
legend_text_separator = " - ",
border_alpha = 1,
border_col = cols_reach("lt_grey_1"),
lwd = 1,
- poly
Multipolygon shape defined by sf package.
- col
Numeric attribute to map.
- buffer
A buffer, either one value or a vector of 4 values (left, bottom, right, top).
- n
The desire number of classes.
- style
Method to process the color scale for continuous numerical variables. See `classInt::classIntervals()` for details.
- palette
Vector of fill colors as hexadecimal values. For REACH color palettes, it is possible to use `pal_reach()`. For now,'palette' must be changed manually, accordingly to the number of drawn classes.
- as_count
Boolean. When col is a numeric variable, should it be processed as a count variable? For instance, 0, 1-10, 11-20.
- color_na
Fill color for missing data.
- text_na
Legend text for missing data.
- legend_title
Legend title.
- legend_text_separator
Text separator for classes. E.g. " to " will give 0, 1 to 10, 11 to 20.
- border_alpha
Transparency of the border.
- border_col
Color of the border.
- lwd
Linewidth of the border.
- ...
Other arguments to pass to `tmap::tm_polygons()`.