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A data frame with 5 rows and 13 variables:


The analysis id. Each line is a different one.


The topic/sector of the indicator.


The sub-topic/sub-sector of the indicator.


The label of the indicator, e.g. "\ recallThe recall period (not to be included in the indicator), e.g. "30 days prior to data collection". question_nameThe name of the variable in the data or, for a ratio, the two names separated by a comma (no space). subsetIf calculated on a subset, name it, e.g. "among households that received a humanitarian aid". analysis_nameThe analysis type label, e.g. "Percentage" or "Mean". analysisThe R type of analysis to pass to make_analysis(). none_labelThe label for all NA values if "prop_simple_overall" or "prop_multiple_overall", e.g. "None or missing data". group_nameThe label of the grouping variable/column, e.g. "Household displacement status" with codes that may be labelled "IDP" or "Non IDP". groupThe variable/column name to group by, e.g. "hh_status" that may be coded "idp" or non_idp". levelLevel of confidence. Parameter to pass to svy_*() functions. na_rmShould NAs be removed? Parameter to pass to svy_*() functions. vartypeVariance type in outputs. Parameter to pass to svy_*() functions.

dap A dataset (in French) containing a basic dap, just to test. Very experimental datasets